HBO's First Chinese-Language Original Series Takes Taiwan to the World
◎ "The Teenage Psychic" is a story about a 16-year-old girl who can communicate with gods, ghosts, and other spirits, people can ask the psychic to change their luck or do "Siu-Kiann" to bless them.◎ There is no rule of monotheistic faiths in Taiwan. This story also narrate the utilitarianism in the temple via an adolescent's eyes. "Temple culture has its bright and dark sides,”the 29-year-old Taiwanese writer-director, Chen Ho-Yu (陳和榆) said.
◎ People in Taiwan speak Madarin Chinese and local dialects. In temples, dialects are spoken a lot, especially executing ceremonies. Audience can enjoy several languages acted by native speakers without famous international foreign actors. The TV series premiered in April 2, 2017 on HBO in 23 Asia countries and territories.
HBO首部中文原創影集將台灣推向世界 摘要